Sunday, May 17, 2009

Thomas Fox @ Concord

Thomas Fox is the 6th great-grandfather of Lewis Way
(Thomas Fox, Hannah Fox, Ann Lester, David Way, Samuel Way, Solomon Way, Edward Lewis Way, Hiram Lewis Way, Lewis Betheal Way).

Thomas Fox was baptized 14 Oct 1618 in London, England, son of Thomas Fox. He married about 1640 to Rebecca. He married second, on 13 Dec 1647 to Hannah Brooks, daughter of Henry Brooks and Grace Wheeler.

Thomas Fox of Concord seemed to have been a man who stood well among his neighbors; and he apparently had education above the average of the people around him. Although " feble & weake in body " he signed his will with his own hand, his name appearing neat and legible. We, his descendants, are to be congratulated that our first ancestor in. America did not have to make his mark.
Thomas Fox of Concord, Mass., was an Englishman who emigrated to America prior to March, 1644, at which time he was elected a freeman of the Massachusetts Colony. His name appears on the rolls of the Concord church. According to one authority he came to America in 1630, in the train of Governor Cradock. Thomas of Concord was married twice. By his first wife, Rebecca, he had children: Mary, born September 18, 1642, Elizabeth, born September 18, 1642, twins; Eliphalet, born 1644.
Rebecca, his first wife, died May, 1647.
Thomas married for his second wife Hannah Brooks, daughter of Henry Brooks, of Woburn, Mass. They were married December 13, 1647, and had children: Hannah, born September 25, 1648; Thomas, born February 26, 1649-50; Samuel, born 1651; John, born about 1653; David, born about 1656; Isaac, born October 17. 1657.
Thomas Fox died at Concord, Mass., April 14, 1658. In his will, dated January 25, 1658, he makes his wife, Hannah, an executrix. This will names only the eldest son, Eliphalet, and his daughter, Elizabeth, although it speaks of others. It mentions also Uncle Thomas Brooks, who returned the inventory April 23, 1658.
In signing his will, Thomas spells his name " ffoxe." His signature is accompanied by a seal displaying a coat of arms, which may have given rise to the tradition mentioned by some genealogists that he was a descendant of the Rev. John Ffoxe of England, author of the famous " Book of Martyrs," and who, in recognition of this work, received from his sovereign a royal grant, giving him the right to a coat of arms.
Hannah Fox, daughter of Thomas'of Concord, was born February 26, 1650, at Concord, Mass. She married at New London, Conn., October 1, 1668, Daniel Lester, son of Andrew Lester.
-Thomas Fox of Concord and his descendants, by William Freeman Fox

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